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Jo and David's

Atlantic Canada Swingers Parties

Why Must I verify My Details?

Frequent Questions

Why Must I verify My Details?

What is Required?

We require 2 images for each person on a profile.

  • 1. The front of your ID showing your name, date of birth and the photo.
  • 2. You holding the same ID beside your face so that the verification software can compare the images to make sure it is your ID.

Acceptable ID's are any government issued photo ID. such as:

  • Your Drivers Licence but it must show your Date of Birth.
  • The Details page of your Passport
  • A Provincial Photo ID
  • Government issued Gun Licence with Photo.

Where to send the details.

You can sent the information by any of the following ways:
  • By email to: [email protected]
  • By SMS to: 506 784 7337
  • By WhatsApp to: 506 784 7337
  • By Telegram to: 506 784 7337

Put your profile name in the message so that we can match the details to your profile.

Get verified on the first attempt.

  • Clean the lens on your camera before you start.
  • Do not shrink or re-size or compress the image, below 1000px in any direction.
  • Check the images before you send them.
  • If the image is blurry or you cannot read the information in the image clearly, we will not be able to either.
  • All of the images must be clear enough so that the date of birth can be read, and the photo clear enough for the verification software to compare the image on the ID to your face.
  • Make sure your fingers do not cover the date of birth when you send it.
  • If the images do not meet these guidelines we will have to ask you to retake them.
  • No one is tracking you through this information,** no one is interested in what you are viewing, these details are not passed to any government agency, the images are checked by us and the verification software, then deleted from our computers. We also delete the emails or messages from you that contained the images.

Why Must I verify My Details?

Legislation has been passed in Canada (and many other countries) that requires operators of websites containing explicit content to verify that all users exposed to the adult content are over 18.
This Act comes into force on the first anniversary of the day on which it receives royal assent.

In 2023 the Canadian government passed bill S-210:
This bill is aimed at stopping minors gaining access to adult content.
As owners of an adult site we will be obliged to verify that users of our sites containing sexually explicit material are over the age of 18.
We cannot use the defense that we thought the person was over 18. We must confirm that they are.

The fines for not confirming the age of a user is up to $250,000 for the first offence and up to $500,000 for subsequent offences.
We do not have the funds to pay a fine so that you don't have to verify your ID.
As owners of the site, we are allowed to ask for verification.

All new profiles are verified before being activated.

Current profiles need to be verified by October 1st 2024, or they will be suspended - you can unsuspend your profile if you verify before midnight on October 31st.

Suspended profiles not verified by midnight October 31st will be deleted. Once a profile is deleted it cannot be recovered or reactivated.

Please send 2 images for each person on the profile:

  • Image 1 showing just your ID with your name, Photograph and DOB fully legible.
  • Image 2 showing you holding your ID beside your face.

Please do not compress images before sending, we need to be able to read your date of birth, please check that the image is clear and legible before sending it.

You can use an image editing tool to obscure other details such as your address.

sample id sample id

When we have processed your details you will see the badge below on your details page.

You will also see a green check box on your profile and the words "Fully Verified"

age and ID verified

A couple of added bonuses of this process are:

  • You can be assured that the person you are contacting through the site is the age they say they are
  • That the person is not a single man pretending to be a single woman or couple.
  • A man cannot join the site as a couple without telling his wife, or vice versa.
  • A person cannot re-join the site after being banned by using a different name.

I don't want to be verified, Can I still come to a party?


Only verified members will be able to log onto the system from 1st October.

Only people registered on this site and verified can attend parties.

Worried About Being Tracked?

Don't worry about us checking your DOB for child safety, we only record your name and dob. The images you send are deleted as soon as we verify you.

We don't share the information with anyone.

Big brother is monitoring you all the time from when you turn on a device or leave your home.

Most of the time you have signed a contract with other companies to let them store and use bits of your emails and your photos that you send through their devices.,

Get rid of your Phone, Computer, Drivers licence, Passport, Shopping reward cards, Bank Accounts, Wear a mask at all times in public.

You are already being tracked by:

  • Your Phone line supplier, they know where your phone is within about 5 metres all the time it is turned on. They can also turn it on remotely if they need to find you.
  • All the browsers you use to look at the internet send your browsing information back to their providers, they know and store every page of every website you visit and how long you spend on every page.
  • If you have a Google account on your phone or computer their software reads every email you send or recieve via gmail. They also track every device your phone connects to as you travel, so they know every hotel or cafe or bar in every town you visit around the world.
  • If you have a Microsoft account (outlook, hotmail, msm) they know as much as Google.
  • If you have an Apple account - same as Google.
  • If you have a Facebook account, Twitter account, Amazon account, Instagram, Netflix, or any social media account, they all record a lot of information about your likes, who your friends are, the pages your view, the shows you watch.
  • If you have a Temu, Shein, TikTok or Alibaba account, they, plus the Chinese government, know a lot about you!
  • If you have a bank account or CC, they know and store, every location you visit, and every business you spend money at.
  • If you have a store card or rewards card, they know every product you buy, and every location you shop at, or buy fuel at, and they store and use that information to give you offers.
  • If you walk around any city, even many towns, you are now tracked by CCTV the whole time.
  • If you have a passport the government knows every time you travel outside of Canada, where you are going, how long you spend at each location, and of course they know what you look like.

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